Have you tried a Flipboard magazine to generate leads? As a business owner, you probably have a collection of leads that you will get to “sometime.” You also have active social media profiles and belong to many professional groups. Yet, you can’t make that transition from a lead to a conversion.
You are running a business and there is only so much you can do in a 24-hour day. You have other priorities like getting the work done or fulfilling your orders. Forget hiring someone, no budget for this either. All are very valid reasons for not “nurturing” these leads. The end result is the loss of business and sales.
OK, How Can Flipboard Help with My Business?
Flipboard is an app that aggregates content from the Internet to create beautiful, eye-catching magazines. Our agency has been using it for the last four years for everything from trade shows to sales pitches and more.
This said you can capture your client’s interest with a colorful magazine that can be used for any media — from emails to social or just showcasing your products on a device.
So here is what you need to get started:
- Download the app either on Android or iPhone
- Have a marketing strategy ready with your objectives, target market and goals.
- Start with your first magazine. Don’t worry about the bigger picture yet, just keep things small until you get comfortable with the app.
Creating a Flipboard Magazine
- Present a scenario with curated or original articles. Try to create an environment for the reader by putting yourself in their shoes. For example:If you are promoting a service, show how you can help by offering tips, suggestions, and real-life solutions to commons business problems.
- If you have a product, showcase how you can use the product.
- If you have a blog put your articles in a magazine. It’s a nice experience to read them all in one place.
- Now start adding content. Here’s a visual to show you how. It’s easy to flip from your phone or your desktop.
Adding Content for Impact
Now let’s start tackling the promotion. There are many ways to use this versatile app:
- Add a SlideShare presentation with your company information for a sales pitch. Here is an example of a magazine designed for a sales presentation.
- Tailor your blog for campaign promotion. Here is an example we used with one of our client’s blogs to target the organic beauty market. You can promote a magazine like this one on your social media channels or on Flipboard directly.
- Add your SoundCloud podcasts to a Flipboard magazine with all your podcasts in one place. You can easily send this to an agent or an advertising prospect. Check out this magazine by Malcolm Out Loud
- Social good and community outreach. Create a community magazine to showcase all your company’s efforts. Present to an investor or a prospect for image building. Here is a magazine by Mashable
- Flipping all your press and PR articles in a magazine will make you accountable to your client. Far better than sending 26 links in a spreadsheet. With a magazine, they can visually see all your press.
- Educate your consumers. Flipboard is great for a soft sell approach. Your readers will enjoy learning about your company benefits by reading a Flipboard magazine.
A Flipboard Magazine Is Your Best Salesperson
As the owner of a small business, you cannot afford to cast those business leads into the round file. Prepare your sales strategy and start sharing your magazines with your prospects. Here are some suggestions:
- At trade shows or conferences: Take your iPad with you.
- Post your magazine links on LinkedIn or Facebook and share a quick description of the Flipboard magazine contents.
- Advertise your magazine presentation on social platforms.
- Share in social groups as comments.
- Send in emails or use as an email signature.
- Make your Flipboard magazine part of your weekly newsletter.
- Add your magazine collection to your blog or website.
- Use the Flipboard social share tools to help you along
The Flipboard business market is wide open. You have an opportunity to showcase your publication and share your brand story. The app is gaining traction in the marketplace and so far, it boasts a healthy 100 million viewers. A good place to deliver your message.
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